1. Report -

    Healthwatch City of London staff have visited the Square Mile community spaces and services to talk to City people about their experiences of local health and care services.
  2. Report -

    The Annual Report for 2017/18 summarises the work of Healthwatch City of London in line with and building on the priorities identified for the period.
  3. News -

    NHS England has released funds to local Healthwatch in North East London to consult local people and engage them in developing a local NHS Long Term Plan.
  4. Report -

    People 'broadly welcome' integration of local health and care services but fear plans to cut £578m from NHS spending in north east London will undermine the benefits, according to a new Healthwatch City of London report.
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch City of London, in partnership with the City of London Corporation, held a workshop on the North East London Sustainability Plan.
  6. News -

    City of London Police are recruiting members for a new Community Scrutiny Group. The group will comprise community members who live, work or conduct community activities in the area covered by the City police force.
  7. News -

    City Advice is offering support to City people who face welfare changes this spring. The changes, including Unviersal Credit and Pension Credit, are set to impact millions of people across the UK.
  8. News -

    Do you live in the City of London and are you interested in improving health and wellbeing for yourself and others? We are looking for local residents to become public representatives on Hackney and City's prevention workstream.
  9. News -

    City and Hackney is seeking more public representatives to help improve health, care and wellbeing services for local people.

    Could you be the person we are looking for?
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch City of London has published its first annual report since being awarded the contract to deliver services in September 2019. The report covers the highlights from the year, how we've made a difference and how we have helped you.
  11. News -

    A proposal by Moorfields and its partners, the UCL Institute of Opthalmology and Moorfields Eye Charity, to create a new centre of excellence in eye care at St Pancras Hospital was consulted on last year.
  12. News -

    The City of London Corporation will be recommissioning your citizen’s advice service (City Advice) at the end of 2020.
  13. News -

    You are invited to attend a consultation into the future of the Wellbeing Network across the City of London and Hackney. The Wellbeing Network provides mental health support to adults with mental health problems or those at risk of developing them.
  14. News -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is encouraging people with a learning disability, their parents, carers and advocates to feedback to them about their care.
  15. Advice and Information -

    The Soho walk-in centre where Watsons Pharmacy is located has been closed, therefore the pharmacy is temporarily relocating.
  16. Advice and Information -

    The NHS is providing a new and more convenient way for you to access urgent care from the 1 December. Find out what this means for you.
  17. News -

    The minor injuries unit at St Bartholomew’s Hospital has now reopened.
  18. News -

    This month's newsletter gives an update on our recent events, including our Coronation Tea Parties as well as provides useful information surrounding new fertility polices in North East London and the COVID-19 Spring booster vaccination program.
  19. News -

    Barts Health has announced that patients eligible to receive help with hospital travel costs can now make their claim in person, by post and by emailing the cashier’s team.

    To check to see whether you’re eligible, visit https://www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/news/helping-patients-with-travel-costs-15691
  20. Advice and Information -

    Over the Christmas Period, many Health and Social Care services will close or have reduced opening hours. We have compiled the following list of information for you.
  21. Report -

    We held a Patient Panel on the New Cancer Wait Times Standard and the effects it will have on patients in the City and North East London.
  22. Report -

    Our latest Healthwatch City of London insight report shows a slight increase in overall public satisfaction with local health and care services.
  23. News -

    We are seeking people interested in becoming an Associate Board Member for Healthwatch City of London.
  24. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  25. News -

    Great news! As a way of valuing the people who volunteer with Healthwatch City of London, volunteers can now earn Time Credits for their contribution.
  26. Report -

    Healthwatch City of London project officer Janine Aldridge has been carrying out a programme of engagement to gather intelligence and patient views on health and care services in and around the City.
  27. Report -

    We held our annual conference on 20 October 2017 at the Dutch Centre.
  28. News -

    We consulted on the following priorities at our annual general meeting on 4 October 2018. These priorities will inform our work over the coming year.
  29. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  30. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  31. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  32. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  33. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  34. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  35. Blog -

    Many of you will have read that we, alongside Hackney Healthwatch and the City of London, have concluded that the current arrangements for managing the Healthwatch City of London (HWCoL) contract are not delivering the benefits we had hoped for.
  36. Blog -

    Our Chair shares an update on how Healthwatch City of London will be run going forward.
  37. Report -

    Our Board meets monthly to provide governance and strategic leadership to our organisation.
  38. News -

    A great way to get more involved with Healthwatch City of London is to attend one of our board meetings.
  39. News -

    Healthwatch City of London is pleased to announce the appointment of Gail Beer as its new chair.
  40. News -

    Are you passionate about improving care for people who live, work and study in the City of London? We are looking for enthusiastic and highly motivated City residents and workers to fill key positions on our board.
  41. News -

    More than 40 City residents and workers took part in the Healthwatch City of London Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Livery Hall on 4 October.
  42. News -

    Healthwatch City of London has been set up as a brand new charity whose Trustees live and work here and are only too aware of the challenges there are in delivering services across the City where there are differing priorities.
  43. Report -

    This policy ensures we have transparent decision making processes in place and provides clarity of where and what decisions are taken, by whom and whose responsibility it is to action.
  44. Report -

    Read our Constitution below to find out how we are governed, our purpose and what we can do to undertake this.
  45. Report -

    The Confidentiality Policy will ensure that all staff, members, volunteers and users understand the organisation's requirements in relation to the disclosure of personal data and confidential information.
  46. Report -

    Enter and View is not an inspection, but an opportunity for laypeople to engage with service users and their families, in order to gain a better view of how they feel about their services.