Latest news from the Dragon Cafe

Dragon café in the city lauches virtual programme on Wednesday 01 April. Join here for this pilot of 'Virtual DCC', at their online Dragon Café in the City event. They have a small selection of activities for all to enjoy.
Happy smiling woman after she has walked through an Arch of Roses in the park

13:00 - 13:45/ Lunch & Learn - Managing Stress.
Join Alison for this special edition of 'From stressed to Best' - managing stress and anxiety during Covid-19.
The link is: 

18:30 - 19:30/ Yoga for Mental Health. Gentle Mind-body yoga to promote good mental health, with Phoebe from Balance Garden. Get your mat out and breathe deep

 The link is: 

Anytime/ Visual Diary Guide.

Madhumita has created this visual diary activity to keep your mind, eyes, and hands occupied, aid relaxation, and improve your observation and drawing skills. Grab a pencil and some paper and go for it!

The link is:

You can also see an example from Madhumita here: 

Anytime/ Good Moves Video.

Watch this recorded session about Bobby Fischer from Ian Grant our Chess Specialist, and enjoy a game at home

The link is: