Organisational Announcement: New General Manager at Healthwatch City of London.

Trustees at Healthwatch City of London are delighted to announce that Rachel Cleave has been appointed as our new General Manager.
General Manager

You will all know Rachel  in her role as our Communications and Engagement Manager  and latterly  as our Interim General Manager  since May 2022. Rachel has  a real passion  for  making services responsive and better for users as well as working with partners to improve services. She has really impressed those she works with over the last   two and half years   with her commitment  to making the  voice  of local people is heard. We are looking forward to working with Rachel as she continues to  help us make a greater impact  for  you. We hope you will join us in congratulating  Rachel . We  are so  very pleased  for her  and really pleased to be able to recognise with this promotion  the real  and tangible contribution she has made over the last couple years especially in keeping  us all up to date through her  weekly newsletters and bulletins during Covid.